In the press conference after the victory of the FC Barcelona in front of the Leicester City by four goals to two, the trainer of the Barcelona group Luis Enrique praised the partidazo of Munir the Haddadi, author of two goals. "I struggle" it showed that it trusts he and also had good words for the youngsters of the filial, that rallaron to good level. More serious put the Asturian when they asked after him lcontroversial ace in the goal aroused by Claudio Bravo and Ter Stegen in the last days.

"We carry it with absolute naturalidad, have three grandísimos goalkeepers with agreement that comport of a perfect way. They go on doing it to day of today after several seasons and do not have any problem", stood out the Asturian to add that "it does not concern me at all that any can go, is the situation that have".

To the equal that in front of the Celtic of Glasgow, the youngsters of the filial did not notice the change to play with the big in front of the Leicester, where cuajaron a good party. "They have been very well, have level, win, quality and safe that will do a good season. They have showed capacity and ambition along the stage", affirmed.

"Always we are opened to the market and to reinforce the team"

On the performance of Munir the Haddadi, MVP of the party for FCBN, Luis Enrique went back to take out his calmer character and congratulated to the forward by his party. "Have a lot of confidence in Munir and also did goals the past season. It is a young footballer, has a lot that walk but also many win to work, and always great", explained Luis Enrique that, asked after the leading chamber, apostillo that "always are opened to the market and to reinforce the team".

Finally, and already centred in the analysis of the meeting, "Struggle" considered that the first part has been "very complete", by against of the first half hour of the second, where the team hit a bajón. Something that the technician defends when affirming that "we are taking physical tone".