The Barcelona was over time against to arm the staff and on the horn arrived Luuk Of Jong to request of Koeman, but with few obstacles by part of the club since for what thought the Dutch yes fit the ex Seville, in addition to having the necessary experience in the local competition.

Koeman Was and again, puzzle without arming for Alemany, Laporta and his board, that know that the alone forward went in in the plans of the ex culé and his level is not precisely the wished so that the Barcelona begin the reconstruction, more even knowing that this place belonged to players like Villa or Suárez in the last years.

The window of January seems the ideal to solve this setback that there is in the staff because the presence of a player like Luuk without that have minutes will be a bomb, much more with Frenkie and Depay inside, coterráneos of the forward and that they were the first in arroparles in his arrival.

The market will be difficult no only for the player, but for the own club, because situate a team that want to have his services and pay his index card, is very difficult. In the memory is the case of Suárez in the Athletic and much more near the French Griezmann, also with the colchoneros this season.

Of Jong probably will not have a fan of offers by his capacity, but it will be seen like a bargain by the situation that has the Barcelona, literally unsustainable. The price of the player will not be neither near to the real, having that it obtain something the team and do not finish in a long cession.


Also January would be the window for ingresar some new player that want to Xavi, Barjuán or the one who was in the bench, because it is more than safe that Alemany will look for to give him arrived to new pieces at least to way of exchange, as in his moment Arthur and Pjanic, round business for the Juventus.