Whistles, flags of Independence and of Basque Country, like this went like the fans of the FC Barcelona and the Sportive Alavés received to Felipe SAW and to the hymn of Spain before contesting the final of the Glass of the King 2016-2017. Something that already expected and that the organisation of the party has not been able to avoid.

As the state hymn sounded very strong in Vicente Calderón, sabedores of what already had occurred in the previous finals that had jointed to Catalans and Basques. Although in this occasion was the Alavés and no the AthleticClub , the things did not change.

Also they listened chants in favour of the Independence of Catalonia in these instants. Once finish the hymn, the normality went back to the terrain of game.

In the entrances to the Calderón requisitioned estelades

According to several means, as well as the president himself of the Government of Catalonia, Cales Puigdemont, to several fans of the FC Barcelona the Police would have requisitioned them flags "estelades" in the entrances to the stadium. Something by what Puigdemont to request to the Fiscalía that act. "They are vulnerando the law", said. All this also remained blurred with the altercations before the duel.