The Barcelona lives an important crisis at present and even so, follows being in the lists of the most important teams of the world and the recent history, that that carried them to dominate all the planet of the hand of a generation of canteranos so inalcanzables like irrepetibles, of which remain very few.

In the ránking of the UEFA the culés situate third and this allows them receive a mount of 49,2 million euros. This measure answers to a decision of the European organisation to "reward" to the clubs according to the place that occupy in this classification, that is led by the Bayern.

The German team is in the peak thanks to the recent successes in the European competition, including the recent triplete achieved the season of the 2-8 in front of the Barcelona in Lisbon. This position awards them an entry of 51,4 million euros in the ránking that situates to the Real Madrid second and owner of a prize of 50,3 million euros.

The club does not want to lose any party in the phase of groups by the income that generates each victory, the same that classify to eighth, this last with a near incentive to the 10 million euros that could pay the clause of Yusuf Demir or even the contracting of any another perla young.

Further of the trophies and the competition, that matter a lot in the Barcelona, the club aims to take out income of each corner that was possible to be able to recover what before the stability and from here take a strong impulse that allow them return to the elite, at least arm a team that can try it.

LaLiga, antecedent

The season happened the title of League was near of the club in several opportunities but in question of weeks happened to be able to assault the leadership of the Athletic of Madrid to remain third. A medal of bronze that hurt more by the quantity of stray money in these two places that went down.