Pedri Gavi Frenkie


Pedri and Frenkie de Jong will return to the group this week and aim to be called up to the Champion

Published:3/04/2024 - 22:07h

Updated:3/04/2024 - 22:08h

The return of Frenkie de Jong and Pedri González to the dynamics of FC Barcelona is increasingly closer, since although both midfielders continue to carry out specific jobs, they are expected to join the group shortly

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is carrying out all the preparativos necessary to arrive in optimum conditions to the commitment of gone of the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League against the Paris Saint-Germain, that will celebrate the next 10 April in the Park of the Princes. Although in the City Condal have certainties on the tactics and the names that could employ the trainer egarense, also exists the incógnita on if Frenkie of Jong and Pedri González will be available for this important clash.

In this sense, the Barcelona picture seems to have increasingly options to have both players for the party against the combined Parisian. Although they have not participated with the group in the turn to the trainings of the Catalan cast this Wednesday, as it informed in 'Sportive World', both footballers have been working separately and no descarta his incorporation to the group to finals of week. It is necessary to remember that the Barça also will have sessions of practice this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

From the beginning, after announcing the injuries that suffered both players after the crash against the Athletic Club (0-0) in Saint Mamés, offered good perspectives on his prompt recovery. By the moment, what knows is that Frenkie of Jong, the one who suffered a sprain of ankle, would be practically sure to form part of the announcement for the crossing of gone against the PSG, like this would have left it fall recently the Dutch in the changing room.

The FC Barcelona appeals to the caution with Pedri

Regarding Pedri González, the one who suffered a muscular injury in the rectum femoral right, is being more cautious to avoid force his return and run the risk of a relapse. However, it does not have descartado his participation in the commitment against the French square if it is to 100% of his capacities. From the club aims to that so much he like the Dutch could have sufficient time during this week and the following to put entirely in shape before the clash against the ones of Luis Enrique.

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