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Players of the FC Barcelona in the casinos

Published:18/12/2023 - 23:09h

Updated:18/12/2023 - 23:09h

Several ex players of the FC Barcelona have showed affine to the world of the games of chance, especially of the poker. Of Gerard Hammered to Neymar Jr, these are some examples

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the world of the sport, the emotion is something that looks for actively. Maybe it was that the reason by which some of the most important players, pertaining to big teams and champions in different competitions, also are used to to be big fans to the world of the games of chance. This is not of extrañar, since the football and the sector of the casinos always have gone of the hand: in a lot of occasions, the rooms of game have exerted like sponsors of some clubs. And the on-line casinos that proliferate in the network, in addition to offering games like the póker or the blackjack, allow to find tragamonedas in Latin America devoted to said sport. But where more checks the connection is, definitely, in the big fans that exists by this activity between the players. Therefore, to continuation, will see the case of some players that have gone through the FC. Barcelona and that accustom to be seen in the casinos.

Gerard Hammered, been mad about by the póker

When we speak of footballers interested to the world of the casinos, one of the most paradigmatic cases is the one of Gerard Hammered. The player blaugrana never has hid his taste by this type of activities and, in fact, has declared in more than an occasion feel a true predilection by the póker. Likewise, the defence is used to to participate in some of the most important tournaments of all the world, like the World Series of Poker, and his name appears in the skilled databases in the póker more notable.

Neymar Junior

Another of the footballers of international field that has gone through the Barcelona and that does not hide his fans by the casinos on line is Neymar. The Brazilian player, such as it occurs with Hammered, feels true passion by the world of the bets and the póker is, definitely, his favourite discipline. In fact, it likes him so much seat in the table of game that, such as it has announced in some occasion, one of his aims is to do professional player of póker.

Arturo Vidal

The exjugador of the FB. Barcelona is another clear case that serves us to illustrate the predilection of the players by the póker and other games of casino. The Chilean, nicknamed like King Arthur, no only knows to enjoy of the table of game, but it does not doubt in participating in competitions beside some of his excompañeros of changing room. In some occasion, in fact, have been seen participating together in competitions of renown and winning sustanciosos prizes.

Leo Messi

The exgoleador of the square blaugrana does not have prodigado as much as others of his mates in showing his fans to the game, although it neither is any secret that knows to enjoy of a good table of póker. More than once, in fact, it has been seen beside Hammered and to Cesc Fàbregas happening it in big to high hours of the night in some casino of Barcelona.

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