The UEFA has revealed the distance visited by the players of the FC Barcelona this past Wednesday against the Borussia M'Gladbach, and in the statistics call the attention some data, as for example that Sergi Roberto went back to be -by second day of Champions League consecutive- the player that more kilometres visited in front of the group germano in the Borussia Park.

Another of the curious appearances is that it Burn Turan, that was chosen by "FCBN" like the "MVP" of the party in spite of that so only contested 31 minutes of game, went the Barcelona footballer that less distance needed to decant the party, as in this time marked a goal, was about to to transform another and endowed to the game culé of life and dynamism, seeming to the Burn of the Athletic of Madrid.

The statistical sample that Sergi Roberto left until the 11,932 kilometres visited, surpassing of this way to Sergio Busquets (11,440), Jordi Alba (11,077) and Andrés Iniesta (11,049), all they above the 11 kilometres.

It fits to stand out also the 7,786 kilometres that ran the Croat Ivan Rakitic, usually one of the players that finish more worn, in something less than an hour of game, what is a big data that describes to perfection the sacrifice of the Croatian although they did not go out him the things in Mönchengladbach.

Finally, in the another expensive of the coin situates Paco Alcácer, the one who so only visited 6,382 km in 54 minutes, whereas it calls the attention that Ter Stegen, the guardameta culé, finish running more than a player of field as it Burn Turan. In fact, usually it is of the goalkeepers of Europe that more kilometres visits by party.


  • Sergi Roberto 11,932 km
  • Busquets 11,440 km
  • Alba 11,077 km
  • Iniesta 11,049 km
  • I hammered 10,187 km
  • Neymar 9,874 km
  • Mascherano 9,575 km
  • Luis Suárez 9,345 km
  • Rakitic 7,786 km (59 minutes)
  • Alcácer 6,382 km (54 minutes)
  • Rafinha 4,981 km (36 minutes)
  • Ter Stegen 4,524 km
  • Burn Turan 4,020 km (31 minutes)