Players of the Madrid and of the Barça


Sergio Ramos made until three faults in the move of the penalti

Published:25/10/2020 - 23:12h

Updated:26/10/2020 - 11:29h

Already they have happened more than 24 hours of the Classical and a played keeps on being analysed one and again. Sergio Bouquets did fault in three occasions in the played of the agarrón of Lenglet

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Happened more than 24 hours after the Classical , the played of the controversy of the meeting follows appearing in all the newspapers and every time seems more desacertada by part of Martínez Munuera, the referee of the party. In a dispute to achieve finish a balloon, after a kickoff of free direct, the trencilla pitaría penalti in favour of the Real Madrid, to instances of the VAR.

The agarrón of T-shirt of Clement Lenglet to Sergio Bouquets is undoubted, but the previous faults of the central merengue, in the same played, also are it. The captain of the white team, in a first moment held and pushed to the French player of the Barça, him soltó a patada and when the balloon approached to his position, instants before the agarrón of T-shirt, also removed it to him of on with another push.

The football is a sport of contact, and in fact, all the agarrones and pushes that gave both players would not have to have punished of any form. What can not be, is that only the contacts of the French defender of the team barcelonista consider like fault and the others no. This solution is not impartial and shows a fault of coherence.

Besides, when it produces the dispute, the balloon finds to half metre above the heads of the two protagonists, inalcanzable for any of them, thing that evidence that, the player of Beds, pretended his fall when seeing that it could not contest the leather. By not speaking that the held did not go sufficiently strong to demolish it like this, in contrary sense to the agarrón, of a form that questions the laws of the physics.

Sergio, there are boys looking...

After happening the big majority of years of his career confronting and recriminando the piscinazos in LaLiga Santander, the eternal captain madridista has believed timely to turn into what swore to destroy. That is his decision, what can not allow is that a referee reward this type of attitudes, of the form that did it Martínez Munuera.

The footballers would have to remember at all times that they are icons for the new generations, and that if Sergio Bouquets decides to launch to the floor, in a punga by the position in a kickoff of free direct, all the boys began has to do the same in his parties, emulating to his idol, and shattering increasingly the noble sport of the football.

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