Gerard Hammered was of celebration this Monday, in which it has taken place the signature of his new agreement with the FC Barcelona. After completing the documentation and make the usual photographic session beside Josep Maria Bartomeu, the president of the Barcelona entity wanted to devote him some kind words to the central.

"It is not the last renewal of Hammered, have it clear"

"This act of renewal is important, and trascendente in the club. The renewal until the 2022 deserved all the solemnity. It is a born player in the Masia, of ours, culé since it was born because his grandfather, Amador Bernabeu, commissioned of this. It is a special day because Gerard has this commitment", commented the president of the FC Barcelona.

Bartomeu also showed convinced that it does not treat of the last renewal of Gerard Hammered with the club culé. "It is not the last renewal. I have it clear. Any more will do. I say it to him also to his manager, to Channels. With the youth that has, remain him a lot of titles for winning. For the moment, we enjoy of this", signalled.

I hammered always it had it clear

The Barcelona leader also wanted to matizar that the process of negotiation with Gerard Hammered made without problems, since the Catalan defender was had from the beginning to be followed linked with the club. "I want to explain a thing: it has not been difficult to renew him. From first moment wanted to renew. Thank you For following", indicated.

On the other hand, I Hammered also it admitted that had clear that wanted to follow of Barcelona. "Never it had posed me another option, was the Barça or at all. Renew is the natural step. I have thought in my family, my children, that do not have to mudarse. With the path that carry, almost every year has fallen some title and always have competed to the end and this is with what remain me. My only illusion is to follow competing, at all more", said the defence.