Although the world of the football and the sport in general crosses difficult moments owing to a sanitary crisis that has caused significant losses all time that the fans have had to move away of the sportive enclosures to avoid the propagation of the coronavirus, that has caused thousands of deaths to world-wide level.

However, in accordance with the recent annual report of the magazine Forbes, the main sportive institutions to world-wide level have increased his value until in 11% in spite of the cuantiosas economic losses that have reported after the irruption of the Covid-19 and the alert decreed by the sanitary authorities.

Between the most valuable clubs appears the Barcelona, that situates in the fourth box of the ranking with a value of 4,76 trillion dollars. Besides, it is the leader yes only take in account the teams of football, since it keeps a light advantage regarding the Madrid, whose value is priced in 4,75 millions.

The Bayern complete the podium of the football

The last club of present football in the list is the Bayern of Munich, that occupies the last box and is evaluated in 4,21 million dollars. It is possible that the Bavarians have increased notably his value after the success of the past year, in which they conquered all the trophies at stake.

The general classification has like leaders to the Dallas Cowboys, of the NFL, with value of 5,7 trillion dollars. The baseball and the basketball escort them with his representatives of the MLB and the NBA, Yankees of New York (5,25 trillions) and the New York Knicks (5 trillion dollars).