The FC Barcelona put end to the maleficio of Anoeta in Glass of Rey


The Barça encarrila the fourth breaking the maleficio of Anoeta

Published:19/01/2017 - 23:19h

Updated:20/01/2017 - 02:52h

The FC Barcelona obtained a victory importantísima in Anoeta (0-1), that serves for encarrilar the chambers of Glass of the King 2016-17 and besides achieves to break the maleficio in San Sebastián, where did not win from did 10 years

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona finish finally with the maleficio of Anoeta this Thursday in the gone of quarter-finals of Glass of the King 2016-17, fraguando the first victory in ten years in the stadium donostiarra, that besides serves for encarrilar the eliminatory and leaves to the Barça in very good position to face the turn in the Camp Nou the next week. It treats also of the first triumph of "Struggle" like trainer in San Sebastián, since neither with the Barcelona neither with the Celtic of Vigo previously had attained to take out clear water of his visits to the txuri urdin "field".

But, centring us regarding the party, could say that the first part of the FC Barcelona was ostensiblemente better that the second. With Andrés Iniesta like boss in the room of machines of the Barça, the team knew when pausar the game and combine with criterion in the medullary, doing arrive besides balloons to Leo Messi and Neymar Jr, the one who once again went back to be vital so that the Barcelona took out the triumph of his visit. In the minute 21, after some arrivals of both teams to the contrary area, "Ney" confined in the area and caused a clear penalti of Elustondo, that arrived late.

Neymar Jr Advances to the Barça in Anoeta

The collegiate González González saw it and, to the not being able to deny the evident, allowed that the Brazilian star was the attendant to transform the maximum penalty by second consecutive party, since Leo Messi once again yielded him the shot so that it follow reconciling with the goal after some months in which it had had the wet gunpowder. With a threaten of "paradinha", deceived to perfection to Gerónimo Rulli and achieved that the FC Barcelona advanced in the electronic.

From here they arrived the sweetest minutes for the culés, that knew to combine to perfection between lines and had of more dangerous approaches. The Real Sociedad, however, defended with nails and teeth and avoided that the ones of Luis Enrique left to the rest of the meeting with a double advantage against. After the 15 minutes of oxygen for the 22 players, produced a change in the Barcelona. André Gomes substituted to Iniesta, the one who probably suffered some that another physical pain that prevented him continue.

Last muddy minutes of the FC Barcelona

It was to leave the manchego and disappear the magic and good version of the Barcelona. During the big majority of the second half, the culés defended of the attacks of the Real Sociedad, without arriving with so much clarity as before to the contrary area and suffering besides in the played to unemployed balloon and the corners. In spite of everything, in a played isolated the referee no pitó another clear penalti to Neymar Jr, this time committed by the goalkeeper Gerónimo Rulli, and in case it was little finish admonishing to the Brazilian player when thinking that had thrown .

Further of the a lot of incidents and disputes that gave on the lawn between the two teams, in addition to the encontronazo of Leo Messi with the referee that also cost him a yellow card, the Barcelona finish leaving with a valuable booty to Barcelona, leaving already encarrilados the quarter-finals of Glass of Rey. From now, it will touch to finish the work in the Camp Nou.

Technical index card of the party: Real Sociedad-Barcelona 0-1

Real Sociedad: Rulli; Yuri, Raúl Navas, Í. Martínez, Elustondo; X. Prieto (Channels, 76'), Illarramendi, Zurutuza; C. Sail (Juanmi, 72'), Oyarzábal and Willian José (David Concha, 80').

FC Barcelona: Cillessen; Sergi Roberto, Umtiti, Hammered, Digne; Busquets, Iniesta (André Gomes, 45'), Rakitic (Denis, 69'); Messi, Luis Suárez and Neymar.

Goals of the party: Neymar Jr, 21'.

Referee: González González.

Incidences: corresponding Party to the gone of quarter-finals of the Glass of the King 2016-17, contested in Anoeta.

News stood out of the Real Sociedad-FC Barcelona 0-1

Next party: SD Eibar-FC Barcelona (LaLiga Santander J19).

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