Diego Armando Maradona, with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona


The Barcelona could risk for homenajear to Maradona

Published:15/10/2021 - 08:58h

Updated:15/10/2021 - 09:00h

The Barcelona will contest a friendly in honour to the Argentinian star in the middle of a calendar complicated for then

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Already we are near of the first anniversary of the death of Diego Armando Maradona, unforgettable character of the world-wide football that in spite of the bad luck that had in the Barcelona follows him remembering with something of affection and admiration, especially by part of those that could share changing room with him and be today the source of query on his talent.

The next 25 November will carry out a big quantity of homages around the Argentinian star that will have his name recorded in a lot of teams and sitiales of this sport. One of these acts will carry out in Saudi Arabia, with the "Glass Maradona" that will contest Mouth Juniors and the Barcelona to carry the trophy.

The Barcelona club will be one of the invited main for an act that although it corresponds him by history, also leaves opened some wounds or interests for the team, that already has a calendar tightened and besides is not very loose of options to play this type of parties in the middle of an official season.

Key date

The party in front of Mouth Juniors will be almost sure for the players of fewer minutes, the youngsters that are for showing and little more, since previous to this crash will play a "final" in the Champions with the turn of the day of groups, when they receive to the Benfica in the Camp Nou to look for balance the defeat of the gone.

Justo after the meeting touches a difficult visit to Valencia, with the duel in front of the Villarreal in The Ceramics, that antoja quite complicated given the level that comes showing the team of Emery in the present season, demanding until the last minutes to the Manchester United of Cristiano Ronaldo in the Champions recently.

Although the elimination of Champions can be a reality in case to go back to fall in front of the Benfica, also give off of LaLiga so prompt can be a negative hit for the club of face to what subtracts of season, a long and complicated senda that Koeman and Laporta already see with something of weight in his feet.

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