Gerard Hammered has converted with the step of the years in the big scourge of the madridismo. The central of the FC Barcelona, whenever has opportunity, takes advantage of to devote him some words to the eternal rival. Because of this is surely the most hated player of the Barça in the Real Madrid and in Santiago Bernabéu.

But there are fans that surpass the limit of the respect and the common sense and happen to whistle to the Catalan, to devote him offensive and unnecessary chants. During the meeting of semifinals of Glass of Rey, that finish with Barcelona victory by 0-3, there was a sector of the fans merengue that sang him to Hammered several regrettable chants.

'The Golazo' of GOAL is the program that has taken out to the light these shameful cries. In Santiago Bernabéu could listen things as "I Hammered, remain you... Without breath", "Shakira has tail, your son is of Wakaso and you are maricón..." Or "I Hammered, cabrón, Spain is your nation...". Chants bochornosos that leave in evidence to a sector of the white fans and in general of a sector of the fans to the football.

It is necessary to remember that it does so only a week and something in Wanda Metropolitan listened insults like this of regrettable against Cristiano Ronaldo. Unlike I Hammered, that ignored what said him, the Portuguese jumped and devoted him some gestures to the athletic fans that were abusing him.

I hammered it preferred to not to give him importance to the insults

The central of the FC Barcelona is already very accustomed to receive this type of insults and has learnt to coexist with them. In the Bernabéu and in the RCDE Stadium are practically continuous this type of chants and Hammered prefers to not to give him importance because lamentably they do not go to disappear.

In mixed zone, asked after him all what had said him in the stadium merengue and the Catalan answered that it had not listened at all. "It has been a quite pleasant party, have not listened at all", affirmed the defence of the Barça. The true is that the only that did during the meeting was to look to the with a smile ironic terracing by the lacks of respect to his person and to his family.