The political situation that lives Catalonia at present and the comments and decisions of the managerial board in the last weeks have generated a bit of desafección between all those fans that do not live in Catalan territory. There are a lot of voices criticise and even some crag has wanted to desvincularse of the club.

It is the case of the Crag Barcelonista of Elda, that has left to belong officially to the Football Club Barcelona. Like this it has informed it this Sunday the 'Mark'. According to the half quoted such decision has taken in a general assembly of partners celebrated in the afternoon of this Saturday in the headquarters that the community eldense has in the Saint street Crispín number 22.

José Navarro Peñaranda, president of the crag from the month of April of 2008, has ensured that the decision, although painful, has been taken by "unanimity", underlining in this sense that leave to be official crag of the Barcelona "by the implication of the club and his leaders in the become in Catalonia".

The crags have value

The Barcelona is one of the most international clubs of the world. So much it is so there is more than 1.500 crags in all the planet, of all the countries and continents. Although more than 500 they are in Catalonia, there is 900 in the peninsula and a hundred in the rest of the world. It is thus that Bartomeu tries to be very wary with all the statements.

This Saturday, in the Assembly of Compromisarios, the Barcelona president wanted to command a clear message: "we Defend the democracy and the freedom of ideas, but can not convert to the club in an instrument manipulable by other institutions with clear political interests. We are a plural club".