The discussed French defender that played the three last seasons in the FC Barcelona, Jeremy Mathieu, has conceded an interview to the newspaper 'Mark' in which it has spoken on the party of this Wednesday in front of the culés in the second day of the phase of groups of the Champions League, that will carry to the Sporting of Portugal to face a hard ballot in Lisbon.

Mathieu is conscious of the power of the FC Barcelona when knowing to his players at first hand, but one of them is the one who marks the differences, Leo Messi, on the one who Mathieu ensures that it is impossible to defend in the case to be inspired on the terrain of game.

"Now they have some good results and have to the that marks the difference: Messi", has begun Mathieu on the rosarino, when being asked after the course of Neymar Jr to the PSG and by the good results that is harvesting lately the FC Barcelona.

Mathieu kids on which would be the best way to defend to Leo Messi on the lawn. "Not doing at all. It is difficult because you never know how goes to play. Leave him to a metre, not to launch, and expect to that it happen it to him to another", has explained.

Mathieu, in search of the claim

And it remembers that, in the Barça, Leo Messi and Neymar hoarded the launchings of all the faults, by what he never approached to ask the balloon. "It did not approach me never. All knew who went it to launch because had the best fencer of faults. I marked a goal of fault in the Barcelona but because he was not. If Messi or Neymar were, was impossible. The same that in Valencia: with Silva, Kills, Villa... Difficult have occasion".

This Wednesday, Mathieu will look for to claim in front of a Barça that abandoned does hardly some months by the rear door. The French defender is fitting well in the Sporting of Portugal, and wishes to complete a big season 2017-18.