La Masía, prestigious school of football of the Barcelona


The Farm, enclosure of growth and evolution

Published:12/03/2021 - 16:37h

Updated:12/03/2021 - 16:37h

The good work of institutional development in The Farm generates a big quantity of talents annually and now aims to finish to develop the weak points

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Martin ploughed the name to pulse with his arrival to The Farm, promoting the good attention to each one of the boys that do life there and also to his families, that every time that they are interviewed highlight the good quality of service, attention and care that exists inside the enclosure.

Centre of Training Oriol Tort is the technical or legal name of the space in which it noticed like first change the adaptation of a plant to use it like bedroom or provisional residence for those that live rented. In this place concentrate previous to distinct parties depending on the competition.

With this measure the saving was significant since before this used for offices that at the end could be moved to another place and besides, the cost of rents by out arrived to the 250000 annual euros in a tris, enciphers that it can mean the wage of juvenile players or boys in his first professional year.

As well as the third plant allows to house to distinct sporty of the club, the plant 1 turned into an educational enclosure to way of bachillerato, with a total of nine classrooms deployed to give him education to all inside the installations and like this, keep them in a same dynamic and avoid risks to the moment to go out.

But no only it exists training to educational level, also can see as to personal level the growth is considerable thanks to the programs of tutorías and feeding that exist inside the campus, with experts taking care each minute to the sportsmen culés and at the same time taking care the ideal development for his body.

During the pandemia made specific programs to look after the care and full development of each one of which there inhabit, with activities that allowed them clear, train and develop in spite of the protocols of existent distance, watching also by the security and psychological stability of each one.

Without exclusions

The families that are related of direct form to the Barcelona and his program of training are totally happy and according to distinct polls like which does quotation the newspaper Sport, the note that plant him is of "9 on 10", ensuring like this the continuity of the project and his good development in the time.

The distinct footballers and basquetbolistas that have appeared in the professional teams, show the tarpaulin of the program and at the same time expects that the feminine teams begin to give faith of this, since paulatinamente have been integrated to the same dynamics in all the areas.

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