In spite of the criticisms that is receiving by part of the press and of some that another footballer like Luka Modric, the videoarbitraje has the support of heavy weights inside the world of the football. The introduction of the technology to help to the referees is something that supports the Barça through three "spokesmen". It treats of the trainer Luis Enrique, the canterano Rafinha Alcántara and the own Barcelona fans.

On the one hand, the midfield player of the FC Barcelona Rafinha Alcántara showed does days in favour of the videoarbitraje that tested in the World-wide of Clubs. The Brazilian trusts that this can help to the referee: "While it do not stop a lot the game, there is not any problem. Whenever it was to help to the referee... The referees are human and can fail, neither go to create robots, the important is that have continuity the game, if for a lot is not logical".

The another inside the entity blaugrana in betting by the technology was "Struggle", that in the previous press conference to the last party in front of the Espanyol gave his support. "I am in favour of the videoarbitraje. The evolution of the football has to go byah í. It is necessary to see in what played detain the party but in all what mean to help to the referee's world agree. No always it is necessary to throw him the fault to the referees", concluded in this regard.

The fans of the FC Barcelona supports the videoarbitraje

And the last in giving his support to this innovation have been the fans to the group culé. As in the survey that from FCBN launched with the question "What think of the videoarbitraje that is testing these days?", the grandísima majority of user opted by the option "Am totally in favour of this" with 70%.  Only the thirteen percent opted by that all follow as it is now, whereas the twelve percent supports it if no ralentiza the game. 

These are the results to the survey:

What think of the videoarbitraje that is testing these days?

  • -I am totally in favour of this 70%
  • -In favour but without ralentizar the game 12%
  • -They would have to test other technologies 5%
  • -I am not in favour of the changes 13%