Arbeloa In a party against the Ajax


The indirect of Arbeloa to Luis Suárez remembering an Ajax-Real Madrid

Published:14/02/2019 - 01:07h

Updated:14/02/2019 - 01:12h

Arbeloa No for to wrap it and after his incendiary statements in 'The Chiringuito', also launched him an indirect to Luis Suárez in Twitter. The ex of the Madrid went up a photo of an Ajax-Real Madrid of does years, with Suárez background and he celebrating a goal

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Álvaro Arbeloa tried to be during his years in the Real Madrid the scourge of the barcelonismo. The ex right side white attacked to the FC Barcelona, to Hammered, the supposed theatre of Busquets, the supposed referee's deal favourable to the Barça... But it did not finish here, and already like ex player does not want to be less and is still in the centre of the controversy.

The last has been to speak of the crash between the Ajax and the Real Madrid of this Wednesday in Champions League. Andl ex player merengue decided to go up a his photography celebrating a goal against the Dutch group does several seasons. Until here all normal. The problem is that just after him appears Luis Suárez, that by that then played in the Dutch team.

"Amsterdam always will bring us good memories to the madridistas... What follow the series!". A tuit normal, if it was not because it is Álvaro Arbeloa the one who writes it. Besides, these suspension points can not mean swim well taking into account that it appears Luis Suárez by behind...

New controversy of Arbeloa after his last statements

It does some days Arbeloa was to the known program of television, 'The Chiringuito' and dejó several statements devoted to the Barça very inopportune that applauded a lot of madridistas. The ex player of the Madrid spoke of the referees and his relation with the club blaugrana or of his marked antibarcelonismo, between other a lot of things.

"I am not antibarcelonista. I want that it lose always because it is in profit of the Madrid. The madridistas are not antibarcelonistas, but ojalá lose in the training of morning. If I want that in the Champions do not classify ? Yes, it would be a rival less", commented challenging the ex player merengue.

Of the supposed referee's helps to the Barcelona commented the following: "The Barça has been a big challenge always. It is a grandísimo team. They play with network, is truth, but do not go them to remove merit". One more than an Arbeloa that never will leave to speak of the FC Barcelona.

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