Sandro Ramírez in his stage like player of the FC Barcelona


The reasons by which Sandro left of the Barcelona

Published:19/08/2017 - 16:30h

Updated:19/08/2017 - 16:33h

The ex Barcelona forward has spoken this Saturday from England to explain the reasons by which left of the FC Barcelona does already two summers. Sandro will play this course in the Premier, in the Everton that directs Ronald Koeman

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The life of Sandro Ramírez has changed a lot in the two last years. To be an acting with very few minutes in Barcelona to despuntar in the Málaga, go with the Selection and sign with the Everton, one of the leading teams of the Premier League. The Canarian forward faces a new professional challenge.

And this Saturday has spoken in front of the means of the season that already has begun in England, as well as of the reasons by which left of the FC Barcelona. "My dream was to arrive to the first team with the Barcelona. And I attained it, but you are competing with some of the best of the world-wide football and is very important to play. Like this, to improve my game and keep growing, took the decision to go me to Málaga", has explained the Canarian in statements collected by 'Sportive World'.

Sandro pretends to be the reference of the Everton, where will do an interesting pair with Rooney: "Now I am here and everything goes well. My father said me that if it went out me the opportunity to play in the Premier League, that took advantage of it. It is different to the League and, by the type of game more physical and more intense, think that will adapt me well".

A good pre-season

The Spanish forward did not take a lot in premièring with the elastic of the British club and is entirely adapted to the style of the Premier: "The feeling that have here is that I already am a player of the Everton and that here seat me home... Even with the rain!".

The Barcelona club earned a planned compensation by the FIFA by the rights of training of the player, the called mechanism of solidarity that regulates the FIFA. Of the six millions of the traspaso of the Málaga to the Everton, therefore, the five percent, 360.000 euros, went to stop to the arks of the club. 

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