Gerard Hammered fulfilled this past Thursday, with the party contested in front of the selection of Italy, a total of 500 official parties contested since it is professional player, what celebrated answering to the multiple questions that launched him his followers through the social network Twitter. One of the "fans" wanted to know who is the player with the one who better has fit like defensive couple in the saga, and Hammered did not have doubts.

"Puyol. It was too easy to play with him. We did not need neither speak us, with looking us was sufficient", remembered. Afterwards, desveló also that the three sweeter victories of his career futbolística have been, for the moment, the 2-6 against the Real Madrid, the final of the World-wide of South Africa front Holland and the triumph in the final of the League of Champions against the Manchester United in the 2011.

It surprises, in this sense, that Hammered did not include in the list the 5-0 of the FC Barcelona to the Real Madrid of José Mourinho in the Camp Nou. In any case, to Hammered asked him also by the T-shirts of rivals that saves with more affection, and revealed that they are "the one of Totti when I played in the Manchester United, the one of Ronaldinho when it was in Saragossa and the one of Wayne Rooney when it already was in the FC Barcelona".

On his feelings when having fulfilled 500 official parties like professional, Gerard Hammered commented that "the time happens very fast and do not darse. It is necessary to enjoy of each moment, each detail... Because a day will not darse and will finish ".

Finally, it launched a fun "puya" to his mate in the FC Barcelona Luis Suárez, ensuring that it is better that he like forward in the trainings. "In the trainings I am much better! In the parties anybody can compete with him. It is the best!".