Always I have thought that the football is pure passion and feeling. But those that devote us to the journalism there are times that have to leave our tendencies to a side, be a bit more analytical and not writing the first that goes through us the mind by pure ire, frustration or anger to somebody. In other words: the head is for something more than to comb .

The 'case Gerard Hammered' is portraying to many. Some with anger, others with irony... But an important majority is taking the easy edict: the disproportionate attack to a person for saying what thinks or, maybe, what feels in a moment of calentura after they are abusing him (to him and to his family) during a lot of parties or that a rival forward there is him lesionado with an entrance that did not come to tale.

The difference is that he could not close the eyes and explain until ten before aporrear the keyboard to launch to the populism futbolístico easy. Some himself have been able to it do and has not mattered them attack to Hammered with coolness after two days of his statements. 

The fact to read some articles of yesterday Monday and of today Tuesday attacking to Hammered has done me reflexionar. In two days can structure the necessary ideas as to do a constructive criticism, very move# away of which has been publishing. The question is: if the unlucky articles of some journalists arrive after two days, with the already cold mind, what had said after 90 minutes with a full stadium booing them and abusing to his families?

Empathy and seriousness

Campaigns like which is doing against Gerard Hammered are those that remove him credibility to the Journalism, our humble job. The people criticises to the media and, sometimes, with reason. Arrived to the era of the called 'haters' and the 'boys rat' it is necessary to watch so that the journalists do not transform us partly of them and act with professionalism, because it is something that affects us to all and at the end the reader will not believe at all of what want to transmit. There are some opinions that would not have to go out of the bars.