Some hours after the hard attack in the Manchester Sand, the FC Barcelona wanted to step advance and support the victims of the attack and his familiar. The club considered necessary to send a sample of support through some brief messages in the social networks.

This is the message that the club made public in the networks.

The security forces of the English city consider the incident, that occurred after a concert of Ariana Big, like a terrorist attack, and by the moment contabilizan 22 dead persons and more than 50 injured, some of them lower.

Denis Suárez, conmocionado

The official accounts were not the only in movilizarse after the attack, and numerous personalities of the world of the sport also pronounced in this regard, between them the Barcelona Denis Suárez.

The Galician, that militó two seasons in the Manchester City before recalar in the FC Barcelona, showed affected by the event and also published a message in which it affirms that "my heart is in Manchester".