Marlon received a tremendo motivational message of Messi


The tremendo message of Lionel Messi to Marlon Santos

Published:25/05/2018 - 17:11h

Updated:25/05/2018 - 19:42h

Marlon Santos left yielded to the Nice the past summer so that it progressed in his football with the aim of repescarle for the first team or to sell him and take him out economic profitability to a jgador that cost 5 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona fichó to Marlon Santos pertinent of the Fluminense in return of 5,5 million euros does a pair of seasons. After playing in the filial the first of them, left yielded to the Nice with the aim of foguearse and, in function of his performance, leave traspasado or go back to the first team of the Barça.

In some recent statements to Barça Inside, Marlon spoke on several subjects of the actuality and of his Barcelona past. One of them was what Leo Messi said him to motivate him before playing a party with the Barça: "it Was nervous at the beginning of the party and Leo, that for me is the best player of the world, approaches me and says me: 'Marlon, calm, plays as in the trainings and will be very'".

Marlon confessed that the message of Leo Messi helped him to feel safer of face to the party, since the best player of the world had recognised his good work in the trainings: "After this felt me much more sure of me same, especially when I thought: "Fuck...! If it says me this, is because I do well the things in the trainings'"

Besides, the central Brazilian also spoke on his cession to the Nice, that has served him to improve: "In the Nice have won a lot of experience. I have played at the side of big players. I have grown a lot. I have changed entirely my mentality futbolística. This is the most important. Happen of the Barça B, in May, to Nice in October was a radical change".

Besides, it recognised that by his head happens the go back to the FC Barcelona, although right now it is centred in the Nice, team in which it has reached the happiness: "Claro that I want to go back, but for now my head is in Nice. Have another year of cession. I am entirely concentrated in what it is happening here. I am very happy in Nice".

The West Ham could carry to Marlon

In the last hours made public the interest of the Leicester for fichar to Marlon, but Sportive World has desvelado that the West Ham also has asked after the Brazilian defence and would be very interested in incorporating him. By his part, Marlon has recognised that it has not had contact with the Barça: "I do not know if the Barça has come to see me this season, I do not keep contact with the club".

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