Ousmane Dembélé, during a party in front of the Elche


There will be a Barça/Dembélé 'summit' to continue negotiating its renewal

Published:27/04/2022 - 19:04h

Updated:27/04/2022 - 22:43h

The agent of Dembélé, Moussa Sissoko, has moved to Barcelona on Wednesday to resume negotiations on the renewal of the Frenchman, who has made known his intention to continue as a culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Moussa Sissoko, agent of Ousmane Dembélé, has arrived to Barcelona this Wednesday to gather with Mateu Alemany and treat the situation of the French extreme whose agreement finalises the next 30 June, informed 'Sport'. The past 4 April, the director of football of the Barça had moved until Marrakech to restart the conversations after the intensity lived in January and the hard exchange of statements between both parts.

After the meeting of principle of month, when seeming the differences remained resolved and the asperezas limadas, this after that the own Sissoko have been the one who requested the new summit. Alemany Already exposed the complex situation of the Catalan entity and how have structured the wages of the staff, whereas the agent recalcó the intention Dembélé to follow of blaugrana.

In Barça has not doubted in accepting a new conversation, after to principle of year a reconciliation between the parts seemed almost impossible. From the club want to begin to close contractings for this next summer. The step of the time and the weight that has given him Xavi Hernández in the team, have caused that the Frenchman want to follow and like this transmitted it to him to his agent.

Opciónes For Dembélé

In the new meeting expects that the part of the French can do some grantings salariales, although they are firm regarding that the value of market of the player has to be the starting point of the negotiations. The Barça studies to do an offer of a third of the wage that perceives the footballer at present, which would have it putting the sportive and sentimental by in front of the economic.

Without having at all enclosed, the renewal of Dembélé with the Barça seem be possible, precisely in his best moment since it is member of the Barça. The extreme is not suffering the feared injuries that have deprived him to triumph in the Camp Nou and has the intention to renew, but knows that in France also expect him. An option to cost zero in this market of signings attracts a lot and the PSG keeps follows showing like an option of exit, ensuring besides the economic pretences of him and his representative.

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