Ronald Araújo, in the eliminatory sudamericanas


There will be a 'summit' to unblock the negotiation with Araújo

Published:26/03/2022 - 16:54h

Updated:26/03/2022 - 16:55h

Ronald Araújo could be signing his renewal with Barcelona in the next few days. Sources close to the negotiations assure that the outlook is encouraging and only a few details remain to be defined. The defender has rejected much higher offers from English clubs

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From the FC Barcelona continue the management to arrive to an agreement with Ronald Araújo by the extension of his contractual bond. The Uruguayan, that comes to ensure the participation of his selection in the Glass of the World of Catar, wants to restart the negotiations with the Barcelona directive to continue forming part of the project that heads Xavi Hernández.

Recently, the president of the Catalan entity, Joan Laporta, has ensured that the conversations have advanced positively and everything aims that the defender charrúa will keep on being culé. In the next days expects a new meeting between both parts to negotiate the terms of his renewal. Of a side and another exists the optimism and win them to close this episode with the signature and a handshake.

Although Araújo has outlined like one of the most wished defenders of the moment, coming under scrutiny of several teams of the Premier League, his wish is to continue dressing the Barcelona T-shirt in the next years, in accordance with the information given to know by 'Sportive World'. Besides, it has felt very comfortable in the City Condal and would not have the intention to change of airs.

Araújo, key for the Barça

Likewise, his name appears in the plans of the trainer, Xavi Hernández, whereas the surroundings of the club sustains that this type of prolongations of the conversations is something totally normal, since so much of the side of the directive as in the case of the player and his representation the aim always is to obtain the greater possible profit, by what is precise to arrive to a half point.

Besides, the Barcelona has as it put to reduce the mass salarial thinking in the next course, for which is necessary to do adjust. Araújo, by his part, expects to see rewarded after the performance that has showed in the season in course, even shelving offers very upper by part of the English teams that wish to do with his services.

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