As it has informed this Sunday the Catalan press, the juridical services of the FC Barcelona will report in front of the FIFA to the Saints by have not respected the right of existent score between both clubs by the player "peixe" Gabriel Barbosa "Gabigol", fichado by the Inter of Milan in the last days of market. Everything by a final value of 29,5 millions but without that the Brazilians sent the corresponding information to the Barcelona team to time to be able to decide.

The reasons by the complaint

Everything in virtue of an agreement signed by part of the club "peixe" and the Barcelona in 2013, after closing the traspaso of Neymar Júnior to the group culé. The Barça always has had in his sight to the attacker youngster Brazilian of twenty years although it have bet recently by Paco Alcácer

The problem would come, as said information, by a letter that the Catalans would have sent him to the Saints warning that, although it notified them the sale of "Gabigol" to the Inter of Milan, considered that this was little documentation the remitted to know if it exerted or no the preferential right that had by the attacker youngster.

The Barça asked to paralyse the operation with the Inter until it arrived said documentation but the Brazilians did deaf hearings to this given the vicinity of the closing of market of signings 2016. The player has been already even presented with the team "neroazurri" although, according to "Globoesporte", will be the FIFA the one who have to resolve the conflict.