Vitor Roque en el entrenamiento del FC Barcelona


Vitor Roque will gain 'weight' due to the loss of Joao Félix

Published:30/01/2024 - 21:19h

Updated:31/01/2024 - 01:34h

Vitor Roque has had a slow start to his time in Barcelona due to the lack of opportunities to play, as he has clear competition in his position. However, the Brazilian could be presented with a new chance to play in another position of the culé club's offensive trident

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona announced today the news that the Portuguese attacker Joãor Félix will be of drop between two and four weeks, after suffering a sprain in the external lateral ligament of the right ankle. This reduces the options in offensive matter for Xavi Hernández, the one who in the last days there was relegado to the Portuguese to a practically secondary paper given the level showed by Ferran Torres imparable, although the luso always was an option of change when the egarense tried to give him a distinct course to the actions of the party.

From this unlucky event, the injury of an element of a very short staff culé, could open him step to another player that, by different reasons, perhaps has not had so many opportunities to play, as it is the case of Vitor Roque. The one of Timóteo at present has contested five meetings of eight possible and has accumulated grieve 86 minutes of game, going through a necessary process of adaptation and change of 'chip' after his arrival to the City Condal that, by the way, has not been does more than a month.

Vitor Roque, new revulsivo like left extreme?

'Tigrinho' Has had to accustom to not being the only leading centre in the staff, since, although Robert Lewandowski, except some eventuality, would be the headline, there is a position of revulsivo for when it need substitute to the Pole, and this position often contests between him and Marc Guiu. In this sense, the native of Granollers, has known to capitalise very well the opportunities that has given him the one of Terrassa, having converted already pair of annotations in five duels and, by the moment, seems that by technical needs, has a greater preference by part of Xavi that, on the other hand, has treated to be ecuánime to the hour to distribute the time of action of his active.

Nevertheless, with the drop of Joãor Félix, to the Brazilian presents him the opportunity to be the first option like revulsivo in the left extreme, a position in which the egarense already has ranged it in this season. Although it has seen him very little in this demarcation, his versatility in the front of attack invites to think that it can exert any role in offensive matter, and would not be descabellado that turn into a valid alternative to relieve to Ferran that predictably it would split like titling in the left extreme. This yes, this without descartar his chances like centrodelantero, where has showed to be more conclusive and can take advantage of better his remarkable smell goleador.

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