Xavi Hernández rueda14


Xavi makes clear Barça's position in the market and its priority in the remainder of the League

Published:28/04/2024 - 14:00h

Updated:28/04/2024 - 17:34h

Xavi Hernández was totally willing to talk about various topics related to the current situation at FC Barcelona, ​​including the way in which the club will approach the next transfer market and the objectives it has for the end of the season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández appeared in front of the media in the previous press conference to the meeting of this Monday between his combined, the FC Barcelona, and Valencia CF, corresponding to the day 33 of LaLiga. The party will carry out in the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys to the 21:00 hours. During the conference, the egarense took advantage of the opportunity to tackle several subjects, including the posture of the club of face to the incorporations that will be able to do the next market veraniego, the feelings of the changing room at the end of the campaign and his perspectives to finish the best positioned possible in LaLiga.

The posture of the FC Barcelona of face to the market of signings estival

In this sense, the egarense began exposing the fact that his politics of signings will not suffer any change with regard to the next season and also expressed the good tuning that exists between all the estamentos of the club in this subject. "It will not change my way to focus the signings, all are joined and everything will be consensuado. Ojalá Can return to the rule 1/1. We are focused in the present season still. When it touches to schedule, also", it commented.

From this, the one of Terrassa also expressed the importance of the confidence awarded by the sportive direction of the club and the good feelings that breathe in the team regarding being able to incorporate players with normality in summer."The confidence that have generated Deco, the president, the sportive commission... They are optimistic. The past year conditioned us a lot, but expect that this year we can do it", aimed.

Equally, Hernández also stood out the clarity that seems to have the sportive planning of the club regarding the players that will leave to go and those that could arrive next summer. "In bold strokes, the diagnostic is done. If there are players that can help us in this final stretch of the season, will take it into account", sentenced.

The feelings of the changing room for the closing of this season 2023-24

In another order of ideas, Xavi has expressed his point of view on how perceives the feelings in the changing room of face to the closing of the season, in which the club will look for to close of the most decorous way possible. "We have trained very well, with total sincerity. I have seen to the very put team, have win to win and finish with good feelings. I am ilusionado and thrilled, with all the strength of the world to prepare the new season", emphasized.

Likewise, the egarense aseveró that the Barcelona cast will not slacken of face to the final stretch of the course, although it already remains little and at all for contesting in terms of titles for winning. "I think all the contrary: as we have not done the duties, have to finish with good feelings. We play us can play us a title the season that comes", signalled.

The aim of the Barcelona cast in LaLiga

Besides, the one of Terrassa did not doubt in exposing the motivation that has the club for finishing the best positioned possible in LaLiga. Also it took advantage of to devote some words to Valencia CF, the next obstacle of the Barça in his attempt to keep very situated in the second square in the local contest. "We are focused in achieving the second square. You ask me little by Valencia. Have a fantastic trainer, has a lot of merit what is doing Stir", commented.

In this sense, the Barcelona trainer also has been questioned on the clash in front of the Girona, rival with which expects will contest the second place in the local tournament, and to the that will confront in the next day in LaLiga. However, it has avoided to speak on this subject. "The most important party is the one of morning, afterwards already will think in the Girona. It is a direct rival, are strong. There is an aim of minima that is the one to classify for Champions", aseveró.

The physical preparation of the team

To his time, Hernández also did brief comments on one of the most controversial subjects in the City Condal: the physical preparation of the team. In this sense, did quotation to the information in which it commented that it would do two new additions to his 'staff' to tackle these problems and make the necessary corrections. "Raúl Martínez carries working with me from two years ago, is of maximum confidence. In spite of being external, always helps us. Of Tous can not say at all", limited.

Bet by the young players

To close, the egarense reaffirmed which keeps on being his politics to award minutes of game to a footballer, standing out the importance of the intensity that show in his exert and the feelings that transmit in the day in day out. "In me it prevails the performance: see to the players train or compete. It gives me the same if it is 34 years old or 16. Always it has been like this since I am trainer. Independently, also, if they are of the house or of out", concluded.

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