Xavi Hernández at a press conference


Xavi makes his position clear on Madrid's 'theft' and asks the locker room to get out their 'rage'

Published:23/01/2024 - 14:02h

Updated:23/01/2024 - 19:13h

Xavi Hernández has once again made several statements on the current topic in Spain, the controversial refereeing performance in the match between Real Madrid and Almería, reaffirming, without delving too deeply into the subject, his position on the matter

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Xavi Hernández appeared the Tuesday in the previous press conference to the meeting of quarter-finals of the Glass of the King in front of the Athletic of Bilbao in Saint Mamés. Further to tackle subjects related with the commitment against the Basque cast and the return of players like Joãor Cancel and Andreas Christensen, asked him in several occasions on the controversy of the questionable arbitration in the party Real Madrid-Almería. It is necessary to remember that the egarense already had given his opinion in this regard, but in this occasion expanded his point of view.

The technician of Terrassa initially showed his reticencia to go back to speak on the controversial situation, asking that no asked him more in this regard, but they centred in questions related with the panorama futbolístico. "I would not speak of the controversy if you do not ask me. It was the moment to give my opinion and reiterate my words. They are feelings that have had. If you ask me of football will be three days speaking of football. You have seen it. Analyse it you, that will be all of agreement. I do not want to avivar the controversy. Now it is moment to speak of football. The news is in Madrid", limited.

The pressures to the referees in LaLiga

Nevertheless, Hernández made some punctual statements to resolve the subject, expressing escuetamente his total disagreement with the pressures that have received the referees recently. "They do not like me the pressures to the referees". Voucher recalcar that the referees of LaLiga are being object of a big pressure by part of Real Madrid TV, that recently has spread videos signalling the errors of the judges that have prejudiced to the white cast, with the clear intention to put them low scrutiny and influence in his exert.

Later, of concise way, the egarense avoided to speak in excess on the subject, following practically the line of what Joan Laporta has asked, that the RFEF take letters in the subject. "It is a question for the Federation and the referees. Ask them how are they. I by education answer you, but afterwards put me 'ostias like breads'. I prefer to speak of football", emphasized.

The referee's controversy and the changing room culé

Finally, taking advantage of the incessant cuestionamiento on this subject, the one of Terrassa left clear that the changing room culé has to take this controversy like an envión anímico to follow offering good performances and aspire to big attainments. "That it affect them of positive way. That they see that it goes us to cost a lot win this competition. That they take out the ire and the anger, at all more", concluded.

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