Diego Armando Maradona in a match of the Golden of Sinaloa


Maradona Offers to train to the Manchester United and atiza to Pogba

Published:5/06/2019 - 16:35h

Updated:5/06/2019 - 16:35h

Diego Armando Maradona has gone back to speak in an interview, and his statements have not happened unobserved. The Argentinian technician has offered to train to the Manchester United, has atizado to Paul Pogba and has declared fan of the Manchester City

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the summer 2019 is in full ebullición, and one of the protagonists is the Manchester United. The English group treats to improve the project that has trusted to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, and his intention is to go back to classify for the Champions and consolidate between the leading teams of the Premier League.

In an interview published by 'FourFourTwo', the 'network devils' have received a peculiar ofrecimiento, neither more neither less than the one of Diego Armando Maradona. The current technician of the Golden of Sinaloa, that find in negotiations to renew him, has analysed the actuality futbolística, and has warned that touches to recover the stray glory in Old Trafford: "If the Manchester United needs a trainer, I am the man to do it".

"They sell a lot of T-shirts all over the world, but also need to win trophies. I can do this by them", has commented, although they are not few those that have signalled that the one of Buenos Aires has not attained the aim of the promotion with the Mexican picture. In spite of everything, the 'lint' has showed to be to the day of what sucede in Manchester.

Between his favourite players has stood out to Ander Herrera that in brief will leave the club and could put course to the PSG, and has given a touch of attention to another of his stars. "Of the Manchester United liked me Ander Herrera, as I think that Paul Pogba does not work the sufficiently hard", has valued, before explaining that his preferences have varied in the last times.

"During long, the Manchester United was my English team favourite. By the big players that had and by the big work done by Alex Ferguson. However, now I have to choose to the Manchester City". I know that it does not have to be like this, but it is by Sergio Agüero", has confessed, mentioning to his compatriot as 'culprit' of this little usual change of edict.

Pogba Could abandon the Manchester United

After signalling to Ander that it will not be still in the United, Maradona could see like Pogba does also the cases, since it handles important offers of Real Madrid and Juventus. In Manchester have ensured that the champion of the world does not be on sale, but could open him the door by more than 150 million euros. The summer will dictate sentence, in a window estival foresees very moved.

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