Rafinha Would be to title in front of the Real Madrid


Rafinha Alcántara: only opportunity in front of the Real Madrid

Published:26/10/2018 - 00:11h

Updated:26/10/2018 - 00:13h

Rafinha Was the big surprise of Valverde in the alignment against the Inter of Milan. The Hispanic-Brazilian, that carried time without being headline, gave back the confidence of the technician with a big party and a goal. Also it aims to the eleven in the Classical

Calendar of FC Barcelona

By surprise and against prognosis, Rafinha was to title in the party that the FC Barcelona played against the Inter of Milan and that saldó with a clear victory by 2-0. The Hispanic-Brazilian finally was the elected by Ernesto Valverde to occupy the place of Leo Messi in the right flank of the attack culé and the bet could not go out better.

Rafinha Felt very comfortable on the terrain of game and did it notice showing confidence in each one of the actions that starred. In fact, it went the author of the first goal of the Barcelona group after a played that he same initiated before opening to right band so that Luis Suárez gave him back the balloon with a centre measured that he same would commission to transform in the 1-0.

In the other, Rafinha also was very hit: it helped to the team to presionar, helped in defence going down to recover balloons and came to the centre in several occasions to participate in the construction of the game. His big party does to think that the Hispanic-Brazilian is the candidate number one to repeat titularity in the big Classical against the Real Madrid.

It will be then when it arrive the true proof of fire for a Rafinha that, does hardly some months, was in the list of transferibles of the FC Barcelona. If against the Real Madrid also is able to have an important paper, will have won definitively a gap in the staff of Ernesto Valverde that has full confidence in his game.

The canterano has a very important opportunity this Sunday. The injury of Leo Messi requires of a player that can help to assume part of his functions and Rafinha showed that it is qualified to cover his gap without desentonar neither an apex. If has a good performance, will be able to enjoy of continuity while the Argentinian was in the dry dam.

Rafinha: Fall and resurrection

The past summer was convulso for Rafinha Alcántara. When the Inter of Milan desestimó his purchase, the FC Barcelona hanged him the poster of transferible. His big pre-season and the fact that anybody was had to pay the 40 millions that asked the Barcelona club did him remain in the staff. After a start of season without leadership, the Hispanic-Brazilian resurgió in front of his ex team with a remarkable performance.

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