Already they have begun the negotiations to renew his agreement

Rakitic, one of the following in renewing with the Barça

Rakitic, one of the following in renewing with the Barça

Published:13/02/2016 - 10:47h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ivan Rakitic confirmed does some weeks in an interview conceded to a half of his country that already have begun the negotiations with the FC Barcelona to review his agreement, that finishes in June of the next 2019. "Little by little we begin to negotiate a new agreement"

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The Croatian midfield player of the FC Barcelona, Ivan Rakitic, confirmed does some weeks that already has begun to negotiate with the entity blaugrana the conditions of the review of his current agreement that ties him to the club until the next 2019 with a clause of rescission of 100 million euros. In an interview conceded to the half Croat "24sata", Rakitic also spoke of the Champions and of his goal in the final in front of the Juventus of Turín.

"Little by little we begin to negotiate a new agreement and soon there will be news", declared the international by Croatia in the interview when being asked after his future in the club chaired by Josep Maria Bartomeu. In said conversation, the interior affirmed that in Barcelona only misses "the snow, because I grew in Switzerland and likes me a lot the winter". Something that precisely did not have in his previous club, the Seville FC.

Questioned already on the real possibilities that has the Barça to go back to repeat the same successes of the previous season, Rakitic was realistic although it marks the challenge to repeat the conquest of the League of Champions. "I know that it goes to be very difficult but will try, at least, repeat the 2015", said the midfield player, that added that "anybody has achieved up to now repeat the title of the Champions two years followed and this is a new challenge for the Barcelona".

The Balkan footballer also had to well speak about his relation with the stars of the team Messi, Neymar and Luis Suárez, with which, commented, socializa a lot because of his families. "All the mates socializamos with our families. I get along with all the stars", cleared.

Neither it has fear, declared, to the suplencia after the arrival with strength of Burn Turan to the first team. "I am not concerned by the titularity. In this year and half have showed to all the world in the club because that I am important for the team". A team, the Barcelona, with which has won it everything to exception of the Supercopa of Spain and whose better memory, to date, traces him back to the final of Champions in front of the Juventus: "The most impressive moment was to mark a goal in the final of the Champions against the Juventus".

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