Paula Dapena, seated of backs to the public during the homage to Maradona


Paula Dapena rebelled against the minute of silence to Maradona: "He was an abuser"

Published:1/12/2020 - 10:45h

Updated:1/12/2020 - 10:45h

Paula Dapena, footballer of the Viajes Interrías FF, didn't want to participate in the minute of silence of Maradona and seated of back to the public

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The world of the football showed respect and deceit by the demise of Diego Armando Maradona. However, no all agree in surrendering him tribute, it is necessary to remember that his life deprived also was full of lights and shadows after several indictments of maltreatment.

One of the people that denied to surrender homage to Maradona was Paula Dapena, the Galician player of 24 years that belongs to the Trips Interrías FF, team of the group 1 of first national of feminine football. During the minute of silence in memory of the '10', before a friendly against the Sportive Abanca, the footballer seated of backs to the public in way of protest.

Dapena Explained the reason by which did not want to save the minute of silence: "I Said that it would deny to save a minute of silence by a rapist, paedophile, putero and maltratador and that if it had to seat me and turn away, would do it".

Dapena Defends to the victims

"By the victims did not save a minute silence and am not had to save a minute silence by a maltratador and no by the victims", revealed the footballer in reference to the day against the violence of gender celebrated on 25 November.

On Diego Armando Maradona, besides, added: "To be player, it is necessary to be first person and have values further of the skills". Dapena enteró That it would save a minute of silence when it arrived to the sportive city of Abegondo. And, simply, it denied to participate in him.

Like this it was the minute of silence of the Barça


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