The stadium of the Sttutgart before a party in the Bundesliga


Bundesliga is back: "OK" to return in the 2nd half of May

Published:6/05/2020 - 16:56h

Updated:7/05/2020 - 14:56h

After several days of uncertainty, the German government has decided to approve the return of the Bundesliga. This Wednesday there will be a meeting to define the exact date of the return of football to Germany, which will be a day of the second half of May

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The return of the football to Europe was an incógnita by fault of the coronavirus and a lot of leagues were having problems to define the plan of action. It Tie it 1 and the Eredivisie opted for giving by finalised the season and cancel it all, the same that has done Portugal with the league does US a pair of days. In Belgium also go by this same way and the idea is to suspend it all also. In Germany, Spain, Italy and England the idea is to follow playing in what it can .

Unfortunately for the championships, continue with the football depends en última instancia of the governments of each country. Precisely therefore there were so many doubts that the Bundesliga could return this month of May, that is what wanted from does weeks. Finally, Angela Merkel and his government have given his arm to twist and seems that the sport king will return in the next two or three weeks.

The newspaper 'Bild' announces that the German chancellor and his have given green light so that the competition go back in the second fortnight of May. This Tuesday have gathered all to argue on this and at the end has decided that the football yes has fit in the country, in spite of the pandemia. All the clubs therefore they will gather this Wednesday to fix an exact day for the return of the league, that could restart even on 15 May.

In addition to this day, also would be posing the option that it go back the 22 or on 29 May, but no later. Obviously, as it has signalled these last weeks, the teams will play to enclosed door to avoid contagions between the fans. The measures that will take to take care the health of the players, workers and technical bodies will be accurate and will have to fulfil to rajatabla.

It is necessary to signal that the Bundesliga will be the first big league in going back to open the persiana. LaLiga​, the Series To and the Premier League look forward to to do the same along May and June. Everything aims to that any of these three championships will finish cancelled, although the Minister of Italian Sports has left clear that in Italy will not risk the health of anybody. In the weeks to come there will be more novelties especially this according to advance the epidemic in the distinct countries.

Thebes insists in that LaLiga will finish this summer

Speaking of the Spanish competition, Javier Thebes does not leave to insist in that the campaign will finish whatever happens. The president of LaLiga is optimistic and thinks that there will be problems with the government so that of his seen well. The plan would be to go back to play around the middle of June or in his second fortnight, since do it in July there would be time to finish the course.

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