Cristiano Ronaldo during a warming with the Juventus


Cristiano asks to be acting with the Juventus and active the alarms on his future

Published:22/08/2021 - 18:20h

Updated:22/08/2021 - 18:20h

Allegri 'Dispensed' of Cristiano Ronaldo for the debut of the Juventus in the Series To, in front of the Udinense. The Portuguese began the party from the bench

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the Juventus have happened of the "Christian has said me that it remains ", that said Massimiliano Allegri in the previous of the party of this Sunday, to that the Portuguese star asked on purpose start the party in front of the Udinense like acting because it expects to find an exit of the 'Veccia Signora' in the next days.

The skilled journalist in the market of signings has been the one who has desvelado the request of 'CR7': "it is not headline. It was a precise request of Christian because it expects to find a solution in the market in the next days", adding that of moments in the offices of the Allianz Stadium anybody has asked after he. "The Juventus still has not received official offers by Cristiano".

It fits to remember that it does so alone some days especulaba with the possible return of 'CR7' to the Real Madrid, but so much the player of 36 years like the technical director of the White House denied any possibility. "Cristiano is a legend of the Real Madrid and has all my affection and respect. Never I have posed me ficharle. We look to forward", it wrote the Italian in his social networks.

Doubts with Cristiano

After the message that wrote the luso does some days in his account of Instagram, aiming that "my history in the Real Madrid is written. It has been recorded. In words and numbers, in trophies and titles, in records and in headlines. It is in the Museum of the Stadium Bernabéu and also is in the mind of all the fanatical of the club. And further of what attained, memory that in these nine years had a relation of deep affection and respect by the "fans merengue", an affection and respect that conserve until the day of today, and that always will appreciate", seemed that the subject of his future was resolved.

However, now they have lit all the alarms regarding his future. The PSG had sounded like a possible destination, if Kyilian Mbappé finishes abandoning the team, but have been only rumours. In any case, it will be necessary to expect to, as it has asked Cristiano Ronaldo to the Juventus, see the 'solution' in the last days of market.

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