Lucas Digne and Ben Godfrey in a training with Everton


Discussion and punishment: Digne argues with Rafa Benítez and falls of the announcement

Published:8/12/2021 - 18:22h

Updated:8/12/2021 - 18:22h

Lucas Digne, ex side of the FC Barcelona, fell in last moment of the list of summoned of the Everton of face to the party in front of the Arsenal

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After conquering his first triumph in nine commitments contested, to Rafa Benítez no erased him the smile of the face. Afterwards of a taut week by the goleada fit in front of the Liverpool, the Everton imposed to the Arsenal with a so much of Demarai Gray in the final minutes. However, in spite of the joy, the ceño of the Madrilenian trainer frunció when in the back interview to the duel asked after him the absence of Lucas Digne.

"It is not available", answered the trained before following arguing the answer. "I decided that Ben Godfrey could be a good option in this party, and did it very well like this is that I am loved. This is everything. The important is to ensure that the team have a good performance and the correct mentality".

Meanwhile, it has explained the newspaper 'The Athletic' that Rafa Benítez and Lucas Digne would have argued "in Spanish" in front of the rest of his mates. After the crash, the Madrilenian decided to separate to the ex player of the FC Barcelona of the announcement. A new chapter in the discord between the footballer and the technician of the Everton.

Seemingly, the French is upset with his role in the system of his trainer. The defensive style and of counterattack of Benítez does not fit with the form to do on the lawn of Digne, an offensive and creative player in spite of his defensive demarcation. Ambitious, the Frenchman could finish going out of the English club in January or at the end of season, as it aims The Athletic.

Frustration in increase?

Lucas Digne arrived pertinent of the Barcelona entity, convinced after a conversation with Marcel Brands, the sportive director that resigned the past weekend. The French signed an agreement of long length does less than a year, when he and the team left well, but under the baton of Rafa Benítez feels limited.

They have been during the last months that so much player like trainer have had desavenencias, but the fissures and the tension finished for exploding in the previous of the meeting of the Monday when, informs The Athletic, both argued in Spanish in front of the rest of the group. A delicate situation that it could be hurtful for the footballer that could begin to lose leadership.

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