Eric García in his presentation with the FC Barcelona


What said Eric García on The Barcelona, Guardiola and Ansu Fati

Published:27/07/2021 - 04:12h

Updated:27/07/2021 - 09:13h

The Barcelona head office, that is representing to Spain in the Olympic games, spoke of the competition, Guardiola and of his relation with Ansu Fati, to the one who knows of his days in The Masia

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In an interview done by Ferran Torres to the recently arrived Barcelona head office, Eric García, this speak on the impressions that has carried of the exert of the team in the Olympic games of Tokyo, in addition to the expectations that has with the Barcelona and what learnt with Guardiola in the Manchester City.

"There is good team. At the beginning it cost us because we train together two or three days, but in the second party was us quite better and still can improve more", expressed the new central of the combined Barcelona

Desirous to play with Ansu

García explained that it is very anxious with the return of Ansu Fati to the cesped, player that was his fellow from his first days in The Masia. "I am with a lot of win to play with Ansu. The other day it was speaking with him and said that shortly we will be able to train together. The two had many win. Already from small said that ojalá some day can arrive to the Camp Nou and play together and now that it is approaching this moment is an incredible feeling", said.

And it added: "they Were some very special days the ones of the presentation with the Barça, but with many win already to begin with the team",

On Guardiola

García also explained that it was what more remained him recorded after his experience under the orders of Pep Guardiola in the Manchester City. "Of Guardiola carry me what is the Premier combined with the style of game of Pep, to tactical level, but especially also physically, what is to be very planted in the field and try read the game".

The said by Pau

During the interview, Ferran also spoke with the central of the Villarreal, Pau Torres, the one who shows sure of the capacity that has "The Red" to advance in the olympic games without mattering to the rival that have confront. "We have confronted us to two rivals that have played us of similar form. It is true that in the second party were a bit better. We saw to a more recognizable Spain, to a team that asemeja to what want to be. The victory of the another day goes to be a turning point to go on and with good foot", said Pau Torres with regard to the first two appointments

"Have this responsibility to represent to Spain. They joint a lot of generations of players of a lot of quality. We bring a good group. The míster has the clear ideas, know that we can arrive far and mark us this challenge, the one to be litigating by the medals", added.

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