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February... a month of football

Published:16/02/2024 - 00:00h

Updated:16/02/2024 - 00:00h

Throughout this month of February there are many important matches in the world of football. Both in Europe, with all the Champions League round of 16 matches, and in South America, where the Libertadores is close to starting

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The month of February, in the futbolístico, is, definitely, an explosive month, and is it to both sides of the puddle, since if we look in Sudamérica will see that it is about to to begin the competition but prestigious to level of club of Sudamérica, the Glass Libertadores, and if we remain us in Europe, observe that after the wintry stop, comes the most amused phase of the UEFA Champions League, since they celebrate the eighth of final of the competition.

Two competitions, the Glass Libertadores and the Champions, full of emotion and passion, an emotion that can increase clicando in this link where will find the best prognoses no only for both competitions, but also for others like the Europe League

The Glass Libertadores

It initiates now in February and participate 47 teams, and will not finish until it contest the big final, something that will occur on 30 November 2024.

In the last years, lyou Argentinian teams and Brazilians have dominated almost with hand of iron the competition.

For this edition, again, the big favourites are conjoint Argentinians and Brazilians, like Fluminense that defends the title, Palmeiras and Flamingo that come of the powerful Brazilian league, or River Plate that proceeds of the also powerful Argentinian league.

We will see if there is somebody able to snatch the scepter of champion to Argentinians and Brazilians, something that does not occur from the already far 2016, in that the title carry it to him the Athletic National Colombian.

The Champions League

The Champions comes of a long wintry stop, and the true is that it goes back with the most interesting part of the competition, the eighth of final, so only remain 16 teams in liza and all they go to struggle for happening to the following round of the competition.

Between the 13 and on 14 February will have the parties of gone of eighth and although some have a clear favourite, in others goes to be difficult to elucidate who will carry the cat no to the water, but to chambers:

  • Copenhagen Vs. Manchester City, definitely the ones of Pep Guardiola are the big favourites to happen to chambers.
  • Leipzig Vs. Real Madrid, another eliminatory of eighth with a clear favourite, will be the able Germans to bend to the Real Madrid? Difficult, definitely, but impossible... Who knows?
  • Paris Saint Germain vs. Real Sociedad, another eliminatory with clear favourite, if the Basques achieve a good result in Paris will have the luck to play the turn in anoeta, with his public in favour and perhaps was the surprise of eighth, everything and like this the big favourite is the Parisian team.
  • Lazio Vs. Bayern, another eliminatory with a clear favourite, the Bayern is a solid group, very directed and with win to show that his place is the following phase, play the turn in the Allianz Sand gives him a plus of difficulty to the classification of the Lazio.
  • PSV Vs. Dortmund possibly one of the eliminatory more equalised, Dutch and Germans are two very good groups, the Dortmund has the turn home and this always is a factor to take into account.
  • Inter Of Milan vs. Athletic of Madrid, another very adjusted duel, the colchoneros have the turn home, will see if Simeone is able to do it cost and classify for chambers.
  • Napoli Vs. FC. Barcelona, another very matched duel, the blaugranas are not in his best moment, Xavi has announced that it goes to final of season, and the game of the team is being very criticised, the big advantage, that the turn play it in the Camp Nou and with the public in favour everything is simpler... Or no.
  • FC Carry vs. Arsenal, another eliminatory without favourite, clear, two good groups that go to have to struggle by the victory, will see the one who carries the prize to contest the quarter-finals.

As you see, the month of February, comes calentito, loaded of football, of emotion and of passion, begins the Libertadores, come the eighth of the champions, February is month of football, so it touches us enjoy it to the maximum.

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