Filipe Luís in a party with the Flamengo of Brazil


What said Filipe Luís on Simeone, Hazard, Mourinho and Messi

Published:23/02/2021 - 03:03h

Updated:23/02/2021 - 03:03h

In an interview with The Guardian, the central Brazilian, Filipe Luís, spoke on his experience during the time in that it was with Diego Simeone besides other footballers

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The Brazilian defender, and the one who otrora was part of the staff of the Athletic of Madrid, of Chelsea and of other European teams, Filipe Luís, revealed in an interview given to the half American, The Guardian, how was his relation with the director of the combined colchonero, Diego Simeone, with the one who ensures to have a good relation at present, although before it was not like this.

"Now I can receive and send him messages like a fellow, but then, every time that received one, was estresante. In one said me: 'Go back, we go to win again and need a left side like you'. I went back, I played well and it said: 'you See, only you play well with me...'. It took out the best of me. It knew each centimetre of my brain. I give you my word; it is not easy to play for Simeone. It does not have heart", said the current player of the Flamengo of Brazil.

"Never it says to himself same: 'Oh, which penalty, poor player, need to do this or the another'. He will decide what have to do simply in search of the victory. He does not lose the time. Never it will do a training in plan, 'come, have a good time today'. I was a left side without confidence in December when it arrived and the best of the world in January. It is the only that has attained to take out this of my", added.

On Mourinho

The Brazilian player, also spoke of how was his experience with Mourinho in Chelsea, the one who said him that it had to win a place between the headlines. "When I was in the bench in the first party called to his door and asked: 'Why you brought me here? Why you did not leave me in the Athletic?'. It said me that it did not feel so safe defensivamente with me as with Azpilicueta. It said me that it had to win me the place. It could not expect that by name went to be the first option"

However, in spite of that admits that had reason on his exert, ensures that it arrived to feel betrayed. "He had reason, I was not playing well. But also I think that it is necessary to be in the field to improve. No me arrepiento of the signing because it was one of the best teams of the world, but all the world wants to play! In this moment felt me betrayed. It did not want to work with Mourinho a year more. But it was not his fault. We win the final and have the medal home".

Hazard, Messi and other players

On the players Of Chelsea, recognises that many of them were excellent, especially Eden Hazard, although it ensures that this was used to to play Mario Kart before a party in the vestidores. "In Chelsea had big players. Eden Hazard, Fàbregas, Diego Coast. Beside Neymar. Eden is the best with which have played. It is beside Messi, winning alone parties. It did not run a lot to defend, did not train well and five minutes before the parties played with Mario Kart in the changing room. It trained and it heated cords desatados. But it went out and anybody could take the ball. It would dribble three or four. If the opponents approached too much, he simply moved away", added.

Luís also spoke on the duels that had with Messi in the field. It confesses that those always were the most important. "A day would like me ask to Messi what felt when playing against me. It faced it like the most important party of my life, because it was the best player that never had seen. Had something, studied him a lot, that was very important: it improvises. It does not have the dribbling in the head before it arrive him the balloon. If it receives the balloon, one against one, is impossible. It had split in which I was too far in terms of aggressiveness and expelled me, but never me recriminó at all".


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