Nasser Al Khelaifi en la previa del duelo de ida de semifinales de la UEFA Champions League entre el PSG y el Borussia Dortmund


Al Khelaïfi adds Juve to the ECA and makes it clear that he does not close the door to Barça and Mad

Published:1/06/2024 - 14:40h

Updated:1/06/2024 - 14:40h

Nasser Al-Khelaïfi had no qualms in expressing his satisfaction with the entry of Juventus into the ECA, taking advantage of the occasion to call on both FC Barcelona and Real Madrid to join this body again and leave the European Super League

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nasser To the-Khelaïfi, president of Paris Saint-Germain and also maximum representative in the ECA (European Association of Clubs), appeared recently in London before the final of the UEFA Champions League between the Real Madrid and the Borussia Dortmund to announce a news related with the Juventus. At the same time, it spoke on the Real Madrid and the FC Barcelona, the two main impulsores of the Superliga European, a tournament to the that the mandator catarí has showed constantly against.

In this sense, To the Khelaïfi announced the return of the Juventus to the ECA after his exit in 2021, when it announced the creation of the project of the Superliga European. "After having had several meetings recently with his directors and owners, pleases me inform them that the Juventus has requested to go back to join to the ECA, that will formalise in brief", commented the employer.

Besides, the mandator catarí left clear that "the doors of the ECA always are opened for the clubs that believe in the collective interests" and added that "we are delighted that the Juventus reincorpore to the family of the European football".

To the Khelaïfi did a called to the FC Barcelona and Real Madrid to go back to the ECA

Once announced the return of the 'Vecchia Signora' to the ECA, leaving to the FC Barcelona and to the Real Madrid like the two only clubs that are still in foot of fight regarding the Superliga European, To the Khelaïfi took advantage of to urge to these two big clubs to rectify and return prompt to this organism. In statements to 'MARK', aseveró: "we expect Them with the open arms, want that they are here with us. The Superliga... They can not play two teams 20 parties between them. Respect a lot to the two clubs, to his fans, that are very big, but does not have felt that they are to the margin".

Likewise, the president of the PSG left clear in his contact with the media mentioned that sees more near the return of the combined Barcelona to the ECA that the one of the merengues, and explained the reasons behind this. "I think that the Barça would be more near. The Barça needs to be here more than anybody, by his situation. If I was the president would go back tomorrow same. Laporta Is a good person and think that the Barça would be the most benefited club by his situation", sustained.

The small 'stick' of To the Khelaïfi to the group merengue

To conclude, To the Khelaïfi showed confused regarding that the Real Madrid defend to 'layer and sword' the Superliga, being perhaps the biggest club in the history of the Champions League. "Have a big history with the Glass of Europe, always want to win it. But afterwards they want to destroy it. It does not have felt. The masters or hate it? If the masters have to protect it. The Champions is very important for us and think that deep down also for them. It would be happy if it could speak with them on the importance to be joined, seat us, analyse the new format, argue it... It would be important for all", concluded.

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