There are attributes that never lose . The years happen and the physicist deteriorates , but never the talent while it follow improving. And Ronaldinho Gaúcho is the most recent proof of this. The genius that raised to the FC Barcelona of the sportive ashes starred, in the last hours, an authentic class of technician in his debut in the league of five-a-side football of the Indian.

It is of leftovers known by the big majority of fans that Ronaldinho, before initiating in the football in pure state, began to plough a good reputation since it was boy playing to the five-a-side football in Brazil; something that also did Deco and other big current footballers and already withdrawn.

Ronaldinho Always has characterised for having a technical descomunal with the balloon in the boots, and in the last hours showed it by enésima occasion annotating five goals in his first football match room in the Indian, each one of them more beautiful that the previous.

Ronaldinho Marvelled to all and sundry during the triumph of the Goa against the Bengalaru (7-2), team in which milita Paul Scholes. To his 36 years, keeps intact his faculties and it is necessary to appreciate it. What more follow practising the sport king, more will enjoy the terrestrial of the magic of an only player. Inigualable.