Neymar Jr Regrets  in the Nantes-PSG of Tie it 1


Neymar, 'accused' of ruining PSG and training "to the limit of being drunk"

Published:22/03/2022 - 14:04h

Updated:22/03/2022 - 14:04h

The situation at Paris Saint-Germain is being more difficult than ever. The rupture between the club and a large part of its players is total and in France they have pointed out Neymar for his attitude in the team

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The things do not walk well in the Paris Saint-Germain. The eliminatory in the Champions League, in eighth of final by the Real Madrid, has left very 'touched' to the club. In addition to that has trascended that probably Nasser To the-Khelaïfi (president), Leonardo (sportive director) and the trainer Mauritius Pochettino will not be still in the Park of the Princes in the next season, have desvelado new details of the changing room that 'confirm' that the situation in the club is dramatic.

If before it said that the changing room was 'broken' completely, now from France have signalled to one of the 'cracks' of the PSG, Neymar Jr, the one who is with a spirit of "revancha" with the club that has left him signalled more than ever. The last in 'load' against him was the journalist Daniel Riolo, in the prograna 'After Foot' of RMC Sport.

"Neymar Already almost does not train , arrives in a regrettable state, to the limit to be drunkard"

His statements have been very hard and accuses to the Brazilian star of, even, arrive to the trainings of the team to the limit to be drunkard, showing that his split with the Parisian club is absolute. In concrete, the journalist stood out that "Neymar already almost does not train , arrives in a regrettable state, to the limit to be drunkard. It is like this, Neymar is in a spirit of revancha against the PSG, there is a total split with the estamentos of the club and of the changing room".

The PSG is "a total defeat"

Riolo Continued saying that it is necessary that the PSG leave to go to Neymar the sooner possible, since it considers that it is he the one who is ruining to the club of the capital of France. It commented, in definite, that "to the followers of the PSG matters them a shit the payasadas of Neymar neither his documentary of Netflix. We have to sign his cheque and leave it go. It is doing a lot of damage to the club. That it go , it is ruining to the PSG".

Finally, the journalist signalled that the Parisian group left to be a club does time: "there is not conductive thread more common. The trainer no longer exists, the president has not said neither a word. After such disaster, would have to have tightened. At all. Ni Leonardo neither Nasser To the-Khelaifi. At all. A total defeat", sentenced.

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