In the fauna of internet and the social networks finds of everything, really of everything. Some desaprensivos, authentic brains rapados, campan to his wide saying what gives them wins it and boosting hate and violence from the another side of a keyboard. However, depending of the type of ideology in Spain can be more proclive to be judged or no.

In this occasion, the association Drets does not want that it go by the last regrettable action of a tuitero called Jorge Larios, whose account @ArmyLDH has been already desactivada. Said association already has announced that will report to the internáuta in front of the Fiscalía after two offensive message to the trainer of the Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, and to all the Catalans in general.

It asked that Guardiola was in the attack of Manchester

As it announced the channel "3/24", the association will present the complaint "by incitación to the hate and to the violence". The subject in question regretted that Guardiola was not in the Manchester Sand during the attack that took place at the end of the concert of Ariana Big.

All this finished it regretting that of the 22 died in the attack, any have been Catalan. These are the messages, already erased, that wrote the character: