The presenter of the program of television "My house is yours", Bertín Osborne, confessed recently in an interview conceded to "Save me" of Telecinco that does not have any intention to invite to his program to Cristiano Ronaldo to interview him, when considering that it treats of a person that "does not have two hours of conversation", in a clear contempt to the Portuguese footballer of the Real Madrid.

In spite of that sure that to Christian will not have seated him at all well the words of Bertín Osborne, fits to say that the díscolo presenter did not take in matizar mildly his statements, affirming that it would not invite to "CR7" because it is too young.

"I do not think that Christian have for two hours of conversation, and fix you that I do five"

"If I say you the truth, no. I do not think that have for two hours of conversation and fix you that I do five", began, before valuing the following: "it Is a very young youngster that does not have a lot of route, prefer to converse with people more greater that have more professional and personal career, always are more interesting", commented Osborne.

How it will have taken Cristiano Ronaldo the contempt? Of leftovers known is by all the immoderate ego of the luso, that sure that yes it thinks that an interview with him could last five hours or even more. With the interesting that believes Christian, will have to lidiar now with an unexpected rejection... And by part of a follower of the Real Madrid confeso as it is Bertín Osborne.