New varapalo for Víctor Valdés in England. The guardameta Catalan of the Middlesbrough will be processed, according to desveló "ABC" and has done echo the rest of the Spanish press, for being involved in a plot of documentary falsity of titles of navigation.

The ex goalkeeper of the FC Barcelona, in this sense, is when seeming one of the 81 processed by the crime in question, after the magistrate title of the Court of Instruction number 8 of Valencia, María Isabel Rodríguez, have concluded an investigation made by the Civil Guard of Valency that has allowed the processing of the members of the plot.

Said members suplantaban identities to make the examinations of degrees shipowners, whereas the people that wished to obtain the titles paid between 2.000 and 3.000 euros for achieving the different nautical degrees without need to study any type of temario neither happen the examination.

The proofs caligráficas made by the Civil Guard signal, in this coyuntura, that Víctor Valdés did not do the examination of his nautical degree, since it would have been suplantado by a member of the network in the announcement of 2011, in the Basque Country.

A member of the criminal group would have put his photo in the DNI, to approve of this way the examination of pattern of crafts of re-create (PER). Along the next months will open , therefore, an oral trial against Víctor Valdés whose consequences still desconocen.