Nasser Al-Khelaïfi and Kylian Mbappé with PSG


PSG/Mbappé 'War'! Kylian demands 100 'kilos' in bonuses and salary and the club refuses to pay

Published:22/06/2024 - 13:53h

Updated:22/06/2024 - 13:53h

Kylian Mbappé claims two months of salary from PSG that have not been paid. The club refuses to pay him the amount (which is around 100 kilos) and hopes to find an agreement with his lawyers.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The history between Paris Saint-Germain and Kylian Mbappé is very far to have a 'happy final'. Nasser To the-Khelaïfi continue 'injured' by the exit to cost zero of the French, reason whereby took drastic measures to economic level against of the player. Thus, the star of the Real Madrid would have demanded him to the club the payment of the 100 million euros of wage and corresponding premiums from the month of April, as it informs 'L'Instrument'.

The newspaper ensures that the Parisian picture does not have any intention to credit him said quantity to the footballer, decision that already would have communicated him to the LFP (League of Professional Football). And it is that Kylian would have engaged to not prejudicing financially to the club if it abandoned Paris like free agent. To day of today, the negotiations entrea both parts keep , with the surroundings of the attacker 'holding' of the article 259 of the letter of professional football to defend his rights.

The same sustains that "The clubs have to pay the wages to the players hired to more take the last day of each month, in the conditions of the common right". For now, the subject has not arrived to legal instances, with the PSG keeping communication with the lawyers of the forward to close the agreement reached after the pact of knights to the that arrived To the-Khelaïfi and the player during the past summer.

The word of the PSG

By his part, Paris Saint-Germain supports in the words of Kylian issued in mixed zone the past 4 January. "I have not taken a decision, but does not matter because with the agreement to the that have arrived the two parts are protected", revealed the goleador in that then. Besides, the Parisians sustain that Mbappé always made public his intention of not abandoning the entity like free agent, until it sent a letter to the offices of the Park of the Princes in June of 2023 where ensured that it would go out of the club to cost zero this summer.

For the moment, the most likely is that both parts reach an agreement that satisfy to the two edicts. The negotiations continue on its course and, although Kylian and his surroundings have sent this warning to the club, expects that it close the pact between the lawyers of the club and the player. Once it arrive to this point, the French reembolsarían the money that have kept retained corresponding to the wage and premiums of the months of April, May and June.

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