Xavi has a good time: it revalidated the Glass of Qatar and can attain the doublet


Xavi has a good time: it revalidated the Glass of Qatar and can attain the doublet

Published:26/02/2021 - 23:36h

Updated:27/02/2021 - 00:24h

It is to at all to conquer the league. The To the Sadd is leader with 13 points of advantage on the To the Duhail, the rival to the that precisely has imposed this Friday in the final of Glass. A triumph will be more than sufficient to heave the title

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The To the-Sadd, that directs the historical exmediocampista of the FC Barcelona Xavi Hernández, attained this Friday 26 February the eighth Glass of Qatar of his history when defeating in the final to the To the-Duhail by 0-2 with doublet of the Algerian Baghdad Bounedjah. Of this way, the one of Terrasa attained to revalidate the title copero and only are missing him three points to do with the league of the mentioned country.

The To the-Sadd, the team more laureado of the tournament, joins this trophy to the attained in 1998, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2017 and 2020. It is the second followed of the team with Xavi in the bench, since it assumed the control in 2019. Already it carries five titles conquered in the club, since in addition to the two Glasses of Qatar (2020, 2021), the technician attained the Supercopa (2019), the Glass of Emir (2020) and the Ooredoo Cup (2019-2020).

By the league, is to at all to conquer it. The To the Sadd is leader with 13 points of advantage on the To the Duhail, the rival to the that precisely has imposed this Friday in the final of Glass. A triumph will be more than sufficient to heave the title.

Of this form, Xavi follows heated engines for what could be his return like trainer in the FC Barcelona. It is a wish more than declared by him, although for the moment it understands that the project goes through the Dutch Ronald Koeman. "And yes, ojalá, do not want to me hide and would like me train to the Barcelona, but always respecting to the trainer that there is now and to the team, that are in full competition", ensured in the first episode of 'Living Football' of FIFA TV.

Has clear the panorama

"Well, now I am in the To the-Sadd and am very well. All the world sees me like trainer of the Barcelona, but respect a lot to the Barça and to Koeman, that is the current trainer", recalcó Xavi. Only it suffices to expect that it will finish occurring. For now, the exjugador of the Barça is happening it very well in his pasantía in Qatar, where hanged also the booties like professional footballer.

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