Lewandowski, incredulous before his expulsion at 31' minutes of the game


Barça, against the clock due to the sanction of Lewandowski

Published:4/01/2023 - 14:12h

Updated:4/01/2023 - 14:12h

New information advises the Blaugrana team to make a decision as soon as possible on Robert Lewandowski's precautionary measure, since this could harm him in the future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Central Court Dispute has kept in state cautelar the sanction of three parties of Robert Lewandowski by his gesture and expulsion in front of the Osasuna the past 8 November, what has allowed to the Pole contest the derbi Catalan in front of the Espanyol and be to the expectation of the meeting of this weekend against the Athletic of Madrid.

However, the lawyer in Sportive Right, John of God Crespo, advises to the Barça act of immediate form to avoid an effect 'boomerang' in the following weeks. "Now it is the moment in that the have to decide what do if the Administrative Court of the Sport (TAD) follows without pronouncing and does not confirm the punishment to the Barcelona forward. It could give the case that it did not go in at the end of the subject to within of some weeks and that then the damage for the FC Barcelona could be elder when having to lose other parties", aimed in an interview with the newspaper 'Sportive World'.

Besides, the jurist ensures that if the sentence finishes being decreed, the ex Bayern Munich could be drop in commitments even more important of which has during the month of January. "We imagine that it lengthened all and did not play on 19 March in front of the Real Madrid. Therefore, the most logical would be that happened already the party in front of the Athletic, the club renounced to the cautelar and fulfilled already the sanction this month of January", advised Crespo.

On the same line, it added that the time that has taken the TAD in desvelar his decision is not descabellado. "It is not something illogical that have taken almost two months in pronouncing , since they can have other subjects on of the table of other sports and it is necessary to take into account that LaLiga detained by the dispute of the World-wide of Qatar", affirmed.

The Barça was in his right

Finally, it finalised ensuring that the cautelar that received the Barcelona for resorting to the ordinary justice is totally endorsed. "The Barcelona club had all the right of the world to resort to the ordinary justice to obtain the designated 'cautelarísima' and achieve that Lewandowski could play the past Saturday against the Espanyol", concluded.

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