Joao Félix celebrating his goal against Getafe


The best Joao Félix! The Portuguese is having his best scoring season in Spain

Published:14/04/2024 - 09:15h

Updated:14/04/2024 - 09:15h

Joao Félix scored his tenth goal of the season with FC Barcelona in Cádiz, a goal with which he equaled his best offensive record since his arrival in Spain in 2019. The Portuguese still has a minimum of 8 games between the League and the Champions League to improve this mark

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The goal of Joao Félix in front of the Cádiz (0-1) allowed to the FC Barcelona add three points to be still in the fight by the title of LaLiga and, besides, served to the luso to equalise his best offensive register in Spain from his exit of the Benfica in the summer of 2019. In total, the one of Viseu great 10 so many and 6 assistances in 37 parties (2.002 minutes), statistics that surpass his performance of the 2021/22, his best campaign with the Athletic of Madrid.

This season, the today '14' culé closed with 10 goals and 5 assistances in 35 apparitions in all the competitions. A year before, the performance had been practically identical, although with five apparitions more in a season in which the 'colchoneros' attained to remain with the title suspender belt. Previously, in his first year in Spain, Joao achieved 9 targets and 3 passes of goal in 36 meetings.

Joao Félix, way to close his best season in Spain

In this sense, to the mediapunta subtract him a minimum of eight parties (seven of League and one of Champions) to improve his statistics and close his best season in Spain up to now. The international Portuguese has consolidated like the best revulsivo of the Barça in the second half of the 2023/24 and goes on doing merits so that the club try to retain him in summer, an operation that still is not clear in the managerial culé of face to the summer.

After the victory in Cádiz, Xavi Hernández went back to elogiar to the luso, recognising his positive attitude and individual quality. "It is a player of talent. It is happy. The goal is a golazo, but, besides, presiona, understands when has to go inside or by out. Today it has done it of wonder", explained the egarense. Joao Has accepted his role of acting of good way and, to keep the current level, is very likely that the managerial try to retain him through one a cession or a barter that leave satisfied to all the parts.

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