It could say that, this Sunday, Churches Villanueva was not at all fine during the course of Valencia-Barcelona, especially for the interests of the Barcelona group. It did not give by valid a legal goal of Leo Messi in the first-half and, besides, in the second neither dared to show one of the two yellow cardboards that won the leading valencianista Rodrigo, author of the goal 'ché' in front of the Barça.

Justo after marking the goal that undid the tables in the second half, specifically in the minute 60, Rodrigo put a wig for homenajear to the died ex president of Valencia, Jaume Ortí. Further of the emotiveness of the moment, the regulation is clear in these situations and does not allow that the players celebrate the goals putting masks or any type of accessory in the head.

It is thus that Churches Villanueva had prepared the yellow card in the hand to teach it to Rodrigo when it finished to celebrate the goal, but finally decidión forgive it. Some minutes afterwards, Rodrigo himself was admonished by a hard entrance to brake the progression of a player of the FC Barcelona that tried to arrive until the goal of Net.

Piedad of Churches Villanueva for Rodrigo

To having seen the first yellow, deserved as far as stipulates the regulation, does not be necessary to be a lynx to darse that Rodrigo Moreno would not have to have finish the party against the FC Barcelona in Mestalla.

But yes it did it, although the referee's regulation says the following: "A player has to be admonished for covering the head or the face with a mask or similar article". It seems that to Churches Villanueva did not remain him clear this section.